In my previous article “7 Beliefs that are Killing Your Business” we explored the beliefs that stand in the way of taking the first steps in order to achieve big goals. Now , I want to talk about the 10 Most common signs
Setting prices can be a hand-wringing event. Set them too low and you may miss out on profits and position your company as cheaper quality. How and when do you change prices? And, as your business grows how do you
Time to get your small business organized? Creating an organizational chart may be the perfect place to make a big impact. Organizational charts can help build and design clear structure, define roles and identify who reports to who. Before you
Here are 17 of the top time wasters of entrepreneurs. Check yourself against this list and make an action plan to make some deliberate changes that will deliver you back some time.
Multi-tasking Mayhem – Just stop! Unless
Absent is not Really “Absent” – Understand that being an Absentee Owner is not truly “absent”, but instead you are the air traffic controller that is essential to keep the business driving in the right direction, lead management and
Has your business taken a sluggish turn? Are you wondering why things seem to take so much effort for less and less return? Your company may have outgrown its operating system. There are dozens of symptoms that can indicate that
Martha and Scott plan to retire in 3 years and start to travel the country and writing a Genealogy book. They have owned their catering business for 17 years, and want to sell their business and use the proceeds for
Have you ever stepped into the waters of personality testing? More and more leaders are finding personality tests such as DISC to be important tools in improving their workplace. The DiSC model of behavior was first outlined by psychologist William
Have you ever felt like you have lost control of the customer relationship, and despite your best efforts, at any point you can lose the love of your clients. For example you have a great client for 3 years for